(403) 254-6440 ext. 242


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Property Portfolio | Schanks | 9627 Macleod Trail SW

  • 00 Sq Ft

Building Info:  Over-all site area  is 3.69 acres (160,843 sqft) comprised of three single tenant, single storey buildings built in 1984.

  • Schanks – a “full service” destination sports bar + 16,000 sqft.
  • Kidsworx – a child care facility 8,100 sqft.
  • GingerBeef – Chinese food full service restaurant 3,500 sqft.


EASING CONTACT/INFO :  For a current update of other spaces available for lease please contact Bruce Ferguson 403-999-9390 or bruce.ferguson@lansdowne.ca

PROPERTY MANAGER:  Kurtis Nieuwenhuis 403-254-6440 X 236 or kurtisnieuwenhuis@lansdowne.ca